What if you could successfully potty train your puppy in only 2 weeks?

I know how exciting it can be to get a new puppy, especially if it’s your first one, you’ve finally added a new furry member to your pack but there’s a huge problem.

You can’t seem to figure out this whole potty training thing!

Instead you feel incredibly frustrated & want to tear your hair out

You are constantly finding accidents in your home, meanwhile the potty pad is completely dry...WTF!

Your puppy pees when you take them out but as soon as you bring them inside they pee AGAIN!

Normally $79

I’ve seen it time and time again, owners struggle with this for weeks or even MONTHS then begin to wonder if they are actually cut out to be a puppy parent!

Let me set the scene….

You’ve Done ALL Your Research.

You read all the books you could find, ordered all the recommended tools from Amazon.

You’re just excited that you finally have a “fur baby” of your own

You got this! You thoroughly did your homework ahead of time and you feel SUPER confident, how hard can it really be? After all, you prepared for this!

You Feel Like Things Are Going Well

You take your puppy outside & they do indeed pee right away…but then you bring them inside and the first thing they do is pee AGAIN on the carpet. UGHHH!

​You wonder what you’re doing wrong. The books didn't prepare you for this.

You Start To Question Everything.

​You've done your research....so why does it feel like this is impossible?

 Should you just give up? You think “am I really capable of being a good puppy owner?”

“If I can’t even potty train this thing how am I supposed to actually train it to LISTEN to me!?”

These are the questions I hear constantly after working with hundreds of owners

I’ve recognized that most puppy owners are making the same mistakes consistently.

They are using tools they shouldn’t *cough cough puppy pads* which are making the potty training process take SO much longer than necessary.

If you’ve made it this far you’ve probably tried…

  • Scouring the internet for an answer - watching every Youtube video out there, reading a million blogs until you go cross eyed

  • Here’s the thing, not all the information on the internet is accurate, especially when it comes to dog training.

  • Asked your friends or family for advice, they have great dogs so they must be able to help you right?

  • Maybe you’ve considered hiring a dog trainer for help…but that’s going to costs hundreds or even THOUSANDS of dollars!

Imagine having a digital roadmap that breaks down what you need to do from DAY 1 with your puppy. 

 All the information you need wrapped up in one cute little bundle.

  • Calculate how often your puppy needs to go outside

  • Know the EXACT moment when to reward your puppy for going potty

  • Discover how to get your puppy to go quickly

  • Learn about the best tools to use and the ones to avoid at all costs

  • Know what to do if your puppy has an accident…the answer may surprise you




Potty Training PRONTO! Is our easy to follow course that will teach you how to successfully potty train your puppy in ONLY 2 weeks.​



Stop blowing your money on Amazon, learn about the 5 simple pieces of equipment you need for potty training - one of them is an absolute MUST!

PS - If you think potty pads are one of them...you need this course YESTERDAY!


​The #1 reason puppies have accidents in the house? - TOO MUCH FREEDOM!

​Discover the critical step to preventing accidents AND preventing them from chewing on your stuff.


In this section you will learn exactly what to do when you take your puppy outside.

How long should you wait for them to go?

When do you reward them for going?

When can you bring them back inside?

How often should I take them outside?

What if they only go pee & don’t go #2?

​But you don't have to just take my word for it...

We dropped the price for a limited time, Potty Training PRONTO! is normally $79 but you can snag it TODAY for only $49!!!

Almost 50% off, but only for a couple weeks

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